Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fall Break - The Cat Sanctuary


Since we’d had such a busy Monday, we decided to take it easy on Tuesday. We all had a chance to sleep in, and I took advantage of having Mom as my fellow cat-lover to go back to Largo Argentina to see the cat sanctuary there. I pointed out the remains of the temples, and then started pointing out cats—there are hundreds of them!

Fall Break - Off to the Colosseum


This was the really big day...I dragged them out of bed early so that we could avoid the lines to get in to see...

Fall Break - Back to the Capitoline

I'd like you all to appreciate how much I love my parents--after more than a week of twelve-plus hour days and about six hours of sleep a night, I was willing to wake up early in order to join them at their hotel for breakfast. Of course, when I tried to remind them of this, they pointed out that they flew to Rome to visit me, and I can't really compete with that :) Anyway, the hotel breakfast was very nice, and I discovered a new favorite--meleverde (green apple) juice. It was delicious, and now I keep trying to find it at the neighborhood grocery stores, because I'm fairly certain I won't be able to find it back home.

Fall Break - The Beginning

...which wasn’t actually much of a break at all, if you’re thinking of a break as a relaxing time. But then, why would I want it to be, when I had my parents here and I got to play tour guide in my adopted city? In an attempt to cram a week’s worth of touring around Rome and nearby cities into a theoretically reasonable amount of space, I’m going to try to keep the photos to a minimum (ahaha). Many of the places I took Mom and Dad to are things you’ve already seen here, or will see when we visit them as a class, so I’ll save my photos of those places for their proper times. Speaking of photos, I am obliged to give credit to Dad for taking a lot of these photos and then sharing them with me to post here--you can thank him for the existence of the ever-elusive candid shots of me.

I was originally going to make this week all one post, but when it got to be about 20 pages in Word, with more than 100 pictures, I thought your computers might appreciate it if I split up the days.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Still playing catch-up, while also working on two research papers, a presentation, and studying for end of semester exams. It has become inescapably clear to me that I won't be caught up by the time I leave, so you're going to get a few posts out of chronological order as I muse on the depressingly few days I have left in Rome, because they won't mean nearly as much if I'm writing them when I get back to the United States.